There are so many directions you can go and so many ways to monetize a blog…my head spins just thinking about it! 

Even when you find a way to generate income from it, then you’re faced with finding time to do all the little things necessary to make it happen consistently in addition to having a life. 

I don’t know about you, but sometimes my personal life isn’t conducive to blogging! At least not in big chunks of time like a normal job. 

Oftentimes I find myself blogging in 20- to 30- minute increments. It’s not ideal, but it’s the way I have to work some days. 


I’m extremely sensitive to this recently because I’ve had a LOT of personal issues come up in the last six months that have prevented me from working on my blog. 

At one point I went nearly a week without opening my computer due to circumstances out of my control, so I feel like every minute I AM in front of my computer needs to count! 

Fortunately, over the years I’ve developed a framework for deciding which tasks are worth my time, and it’s how I decide what I will work on each day, week, and month. 

These predetermined impactful tasks helped my blog grow even when I barely had time to work on it. 


I decided to document my process for deciding what things are most important to my bottom line so you could use the guidelines as well. 

What started out as a simple checklist has morphed into a 45+ page guide that walks you step by step through the decision making process. 

This guide goes into how I’ve applied accounting and business principles to my blog and how I’ve created a system out of necessity that allows me to work in mostly small chunks of time (like 20-40 minutes here and there) to build a business that supports my family. 

This guide is THEORY based with many examples sprinkled in. I find that it’s better to explain WHY I chose to do something rather than give a one-size-fits-all checklist because everyone’s business is different and your checklist will look different than mine. I want you to be able to come up with your OWN checklist using these principles. 

This guide will explain how to determine the INCOME GENERATING BLOG TASKS you should be doing on your blog on a daily basis to move the income needle forward. 

By the time you finish reading it, you will understand how I, as a CPA, look at the things I do on my blog to know whether or not they are $$ makers. 

It's admittedly quite nerdy. :)

I came up with this type of "income producing task" based system for myself when I finally realized I would never have big stretches of work time with my current life with kids. 

This is how I keep my income steady and/or moving forward in the little pockets of time I have available. It also works exceedingly well as the framework for working on your blog when you have larger chunks of time because this way of thinking makes you super efficient at doing important things! 

I can’t wait to hear how these principles have transformed your blog! 

~ Lena 

P.S. Don't let the 20-minute chunks of time part fool you - at its core, this guide is an accounting-based decision making system for increasing blog revenue. 

It just so happens that it's ALSO a roadmap for knowing what to do when you just so happen to have 20 minutes to work while the baby is sleeping. :)

Blog Instructor

Lena Gott

I have been blogging on WhatMommyDoes for nearly 6 years and writing online since 2008. I also LOVE teaching. I was also an online course instructor for the University of Phoenix for 7 years (teaching business writing & accounting) and only left because I had to as my family AND blog grew! Adventures in Blogging is my return to teaching, while still maintaining my own blog and using it as an example in many of my lessons. In addition to teaching, I worked in a corporate job as a CPA before quitting to become a stay-at-home-mom in 2007, and after a while at home, I wanted something to call my own.I started my blog as a creative outlet. It seems just yesterday that my blog was simply an idea I had and never thought anything much would come of it......I built up my blog piece by piece over the years, slowly adding content as I had time during nap times and preschool hours and at night, and now I am a full time blogger. I really can't believe the amazing opportunities we have as bloggers. I am so excited you decided to join me on my blogging adventures!

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